We Value Your Comments

We value feedback and complaints and use them to improve our services. Feedback and complaints help us to work out what we are doing right and what we could do better. It gives us the chance to improve our service for you and other people.

 Anyone has a right to provide feedback or make a complaint; this includes service users, their family, advocate, carer or guardian, volunteers, another organisation or government organisation.

Will I be treated differently?

 Mossman Support Services is committed to ensuring that complaints are treated confidentially and service users and other complainants will not suffer any reprisal. 

 Mossman Support Services will adhere to the strict principles of natural justice and procedural fairness when resolving complaints.

 Mossman Support Services will ensure that complaints are resolved in a timely manner and complainants will receive regular progress reports during complex or lengthy investigations.

How to provide feedback or make a complaint

You can:

  • Speak to a Mossman Support Services Line Manager or ask to speak to the Manager. You can do this on the telephone or in person.

  • Write to The Manager, PO Box 682, Mossman. Qld, 4873

  • Send an email to:

  • Complete the feedback and complaints form in our information brochure and give it to one of our Line Managers or post it to the above address.

  • Complete the feedback and complaints form here on the right.

Do you need assistance to contact us?

We can arrange an interpreter or you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. If you are deaf , or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service.

If you are unhappy with the way Mossman Support Services has dealt with your complaint you can take your complaint to:

Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services

Telephone: 1800 451 524



Contact Details


Phone: 4098 2836 (ext 4)


Community Development Officer

Phone: 4098 2836 (ext 1)


Lifestyle Support Coordinator

Phone: 4098 2836 (ext 3)


Youth Development Coordinator

Phone: 4098 2836 (ext 5)


Community Connect Worker

Phone: 4098 2836  (ext 5)
